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ROSE VELVET, a brand created, first and foremost, for the active woman.

ROSE VELVET is a brand created primarily for the active woman.  Born of 15 years' experience in the shoe industry and the realisation that work shoes available were old-fashioned and unflattering to both the individual's image and the company image, and that they rarely offered lasting comfort or any protection from muscular or skeletal problems, or any element of safety.

« To set free women's feet,
just as others have done to their body... »

After first of all seeking to cater purely for needs associated with style, comfort, protection of the foot, back and joints, ROSE VELVET realised that many people have to work where floors are slippery, often greasy or wet, whilst still being required to present a refined, modern and irreproachable appearance.

 The next step in Research & Development was therefore to develop a non-slip sole whose principal advantage is to preserve an elegant and discreet style while incorporating exceptional adherence and flexibility.

 Finally, even though discomfort at work seems to apply more particularly to women, who are required to spend a lot of time standing wearing high-heeled shoes, ROSE VELVET has nevertheless decided to try and provide the same service for men, conscious that they too would like to find a similar solution to their own problem.

« To combine good looks with serviceability and, vice versa, to make the attractive serviceable too »

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